Sunday, September 21, 2008

Pictures Pictures

Not a whole lot of time to write and still much to do! Last night (Saturday) was our first night in the house, but it doesn't really like home yet, mostly it feels like a diaster zone. I think we need some help from FEMA. Here are some pictures of the progress so far at the new house, and packing up at the duplex. Big thanks for Chêz for helping us pack and helping me keep my sanity for a few hours! Also, our movers were awesome and accomplished in 2 hours what it would have taken us 2 day to do! Its midnight now as I'm writing this and of course I have work in the morning and another long day ahead so it's time for me to sign off! Night!


Melanie L said...

I know the feeling! Not too much longer...

Chez said...

Good for you guys! I'm so impressed that you got everything moved to the new place in one day!!