Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I wish I had time to write more the past few days, because there has been a lot going on and a lot to report on. Unfortunately we've been going to bed after 1 am every night and waking up the next morning to work 8-5 and then working at the house from 5:30-12:30. That's pretty much been life lately. I will be so glad when this is over!!!! I hit a wall tonight and really thought I might have a melt down. I mean literally crying while up on the ladder painting the bathroom. I'm afraid I'm going to resent the house after all this work!!

I have a lot of pictures to post, but those of you who also use Blogger know that it takes FOREVER to upload them and I just don't have the time. Andrew is still at the house working but I came home early because I really need to get more sleep tonight than I have been. I will be in bed before midnight, and I can't wait! Tomorrow night we are having dinner with Andrew's dad, who is in San Antonio this week for work. He will drive up to eat dinner with us and see the house. Hopefully we will still have time to get some work done because there is still so much to do I can't even think about it without wanting to cry again. I'm not really sure how I'm going to survive the next four days but I guess I will do it somehow. I will be so glad when everything is out of the duplex and into the new house, even if its a crazy mess, I will just be so happy to have it all behind me. Time for bed!!!


Melanie L said...

I don't know how you guys are still functioning even remotely normally! You cry all you want to. I know you'll be proud of it all in the end!

Anonymous said...

I know right now you probably don't feel lucky, but you are. This all has gone by so fast. I wish it went by that fast for us. You just have had a few months, try 6 years of that! I'm actually jealous. And now I'm going through it again.