Saturday, September 20, 2008

Last Night

Tonight is our last night in the duplex. While obviously we are excited about being in the new house, leaving the duplex is kind of bittersweet. This was our first home in Austin, which marked a new chapter in our lives. We found this duplex on a "house hunting" visit to Austin before we moved, and as soon as we looked at it we knew we had to have it. I have really enjoyed living here, I like the street, of course I like the neighbors, the yard was great, and I'm going to miss it a little. It's going to be weird to come over to see the neighbors and see someone else living here.

We picked up the moving truck this evening and loaded and unloaded one BIG truck load. I feel good about the progress so far, although there is a lot of packing to do still. I keep telling people and I have convinced myself that this won't be too hard since the packing doesn't need to be too elaborate. The movers are coming from 12-3 to move all the big stuff for us, and I think after that the rest will seem insignificant. My goal is to have everything out of the duplex and over at the new house by tomorrow night. It may not look good... but it will all be there. That way we can spend as much time Sunday as we need to clean the duplex and get it looking how it should so we can get back our security deposit!!

My car is running just fine now, all it needed was a jump. It took about 30 seconds to hook up the jumped cables and get it started, so I was glad that crisis was averted. The last thing we need right now is expensive car repairs and/ or to be short a vehicle!

We aren't able to get our cable hooked up at the new house until Thursday so after Sunday I will be without internet at home:( :( :( I will still have internet at work and will be able to post some, but I won't be able to post pictures from work. I'm kind of sad about this since I've kind of gotten in the habit of writing on here all the time. Next weekend is going to be another busy weekend for us, Aubrey gets in Thursday evening and then we have 3 days of Austin City Limits Music Festival!!! This is the best time of year as far as I'm concerned and I can't wait to take it all in and not think about the house!! It's going to be a great festival this year because the line up is awesome!

Ok, well I need to get some shut eye before our long day tomorrow! Think of me and my aching back!


Anonymous said...

Your sister and I wish you both good luck in moving and our best wishes on your new home. Buying a home is the most expensive purchase you will ever make and the most rewarding. Our love to you both. God Bless for now.

David & Cassandra
Samantha & Logan

Lindsey Stokes said...

so I am free all day tomorrow if y'all need help packing or loading stuff!