Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day Memories

I would have typed out this story myself, but Melanie did such a good job of retelling it, I figured I'd just copy and paste hers.

In Melanie's words:

Circa 2003, my college roommate Katrina and I were discussing politics (me, a Republican and she, a Democrat) and looking back to the 2000 election, in which George W. Bush won after weeks of uncertainty and hanging chads. The night the news stations let us know he'd won the presidency, a soft snow had started to fall (kind of a big deal for the heat and dryness of West Texas).

Me, wistfully: I remember being in the dorms when they finally announced that Bush had won. I was laughing and dancing around my room, when I looked out the window and saw the snow. I thought to myself, "It's snowing, George Bush is president, and all's right with the world."

Katrina, deadpan: Really? I remember thinking, "George Bush is president and hell just froze over."


Now I need to add a few personal thoughts. In the fall of 2000 I was a freshman at ACU, still experiecing some culture shock as a result of transplanting from Connecticut to West Texas. I had voted by absentee ballot in Connecticut, and was proud of the Democratic Vice Presidential candidate, our own Joe Lieberman (before he deflected). Being in a land of Bush-lovers was like being in a foreign country. Add screaming southern girls who had never seen snow before, who thought that 2 flakes melting in the air was the most exciting thing since... the last Republican president, to the equation and my hell had, in fact, just frozen over.


Anonymous said...

Love your blog tonight. And hell is going to thaw out tonight!!

Lindsey Stokes said...

hahahahaha have I mentioned lately that I love you and Mel and the way that y'all love each other yet have very different opinions!

Anonymous said...

That is just the funniest thing!! I can not stop laughing and saying "oh my goodness" so....guess who? And I think mom is right

Melanie L said...

:) Good times indeed! One of my favorite memories... :)