Friday, July 31, 2009

One Year Later....

A year ago this week negotiations were underway for our house and a year ago today we were officially under contract. I can hardly believe how quickly the time has flown by! What a year! This time one year ago we had no idea what we were getting into or how much work we were committing to! One year later, we're not nearly done with all the project that I thought we would have completed, but we've learned a lot, worked a lot, and enjoyed our house A LOT! What a blessing it's been to host numerous parties, accomodate lots of over night guests and cook meals for friends and family!

I could make a LONG list of things I still want to do, some easy and cheap, some more involved and a lot more expensive. There is never really a finishing point when it comes to homeownership because as soon as you finish one project you'll always think of another to start. I'll save that list for another post.

It's funny that we have several friends in the Austin area who are in the proccess of house shopping, inspecting, closing and moving right around the time of our "anniversary." It's an exciting time and I can't wait till they are all settled in their new homes and I get to see their nests!

We have a busy weekend coming up: a wedding tonight of a coworker/ ACU friend. Tomorrow I am helping Marika with Jaime's baby shower so I have lots of grocery shopping and food prep to do before 1pm. Then tomorrow night we are going to see The Rocketboys, our friend Mitch's band, play at Stubbs. Never a dull moment!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you again for all your help with Jaime's baby shower! I would have been lost without you, my dear!