Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle

Well Mr. Turtle is still with us. Here are a few more pics from tonight. He has taken up residence in the bathtub until further notice. He was getting into trouble in all the other setups we tried.

We gave him a rock and put some food on it... I'm sure this porcelain bathtub is exactly like his natural habitat.

This is a pretty good close up and you can kind of see his "red ear." Its somewhat faded compared to a younger turtle, but you can see the red spot behind his eye, where he gets his name from.

This one I took just so you can see his crazy claws. They aren't sharp and they definitely couldn't pierce your skin, but they are really long and kind of scratchy and when he is upset he flails them around.

And a brief video of him swimming. Its kind of a lame video, but its hard to catch him in action and he can only swim so much in a bathtub.

I cooked him some salmon tonight and I think he actually ate some. I know, gourmet dinner for the turtle, sounds ridiculous right? Well I was making salmon tonight for dinner anyway so I just fried a tiny bit plain with no sauce and broke it up in to several small pieces. I didn't witness him eat anything, but it looked like some was gone. He did move some of the pieces around so maybe he just hid them well, but I'm pretty sure he ate at least one piece. I read online that they will eat cooked fish so I thought I'd give it a whirl.

We went to Home Depot tonight and started to look at small pond options. You can buy a hard plastic preformed pond which are pretty easy to install. They come in all different sizes. The one was are looking at is a 40 gallon pond. We have been reading up on the logistics of maintaining a pond, filtration, plants, etc.

We haven' t made up our minds %100 percent yet, but I think there's a good chance we might do this. The weather is supposed to be nice the next few days, the perfect weather for building a pond!

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